Old Woman at Prayer

Tivadar Csontváry

measurements: výška 60.7 cm, šírka 49.0 cm
work type: painting
object type: easel painting
genre: portrait
material: canvas
technique: oil
institution: Slovenská národná galéria, SNG
curator: Katarína Beňová
inventory number: O 2392
tags: žena modlitba pohľad oči
licence: Creative Commons License public domain
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The distinctive visionary art of Csontváry-Kostka, a visual autodidact and a chemist by profession, was stimulated probably by mental illness and also by numerous journeys round the world. The eyes of the praying woman, turned to Heaven, together with the hand on her heart, convey the ecstatic devotion to “a higher power”. This partly forgotten painting is one of the unique works by this artist in Slovak collections.

Katarína Bajcurová ● “Sedemkrát”… Iba oči (medium.com)