Character Head 20

František Xaver Messerschmidt – original by

measurements: výška 43.5 cm, šírka 24.0 cm, hĺbka 25.0 cm
work type: sochárstvoplastikabusta
material: legované olovo
technique: casting
institution: Slovenská národná galéria, SNG
curator: Katarína Kolbiarz Chmelinová
inventory number: P 2226
tags: hlava tvár úsmev
in collections:
licence: Creative Commons License public domain
zo súboru: Odliatky zo súboru Charakterové hlavy realizované SNG
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"At first glance, the head has a very negative expression, which has been sometimes interpreted as an expression of anger. Pain, humiliation and fierce vindictiveness dominate the face of the gypsy who was supposed to be physically punished by the army." - Mária Pötzl-Malíková

More information about Messerschmidt's work can be found in the article Messerschmidt's Heads. 

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