Concert for Adishi Glacier

Oto Hudec

measurements: minutáž 8:50 min
work type: iné médiá/video
genre: horský motív
technique: video
institution: Gandy Gallery
tags: hory hudba gitara ľad príroda
in collections:

“When I come to a countryside to play a concert, first I sense and feel the place where I am. And then I create music. Music is an echo of that particular space. The best is, when I can stay at the place for a longer time, when I can prepare some basic music line. Most of it, however, is improvisation, a direct response. The places of my concerts are exceptional to me – they are places which address me in some way, remind me of the image of the original country of my childhood, who knows… A country which opens up and spreads to the distance opens a similar space in the head. Thoughts calm down and settle. These are places where I feel a certain universal beauty, but, at the same time, a human would only hardly survive there for a long time. Yet, a person is often alone with that country. A small solitary being in a vast countryside – this image often appears in my paintings. And, no matter how romantic that image may seem, I am more and more convinced that it cannot be a norm. By this I want to say that I see a solution (for example of climate changes) in community, not in separation and loneliness.” O. H.

Alexandra Tamásová ● Katalóg k výstave Do divočiny