Question Mark Anti-picture

Július Koller

Július Koller – Question Mark Anti-picture
measurements: výška 68.5 cm, šírka 43.0 cm
work type: painting
material: textil
technique: latex
institution: Anti-múzeum Júliusa Kollera, AJK
inventory number: 28
in collections:

Everything can be questioned, especially the established ideas about the world and about art. Koller's works debate and ask questions to which the artist did not even expect answers.

He repeated the question mark in many forms and on various materials, sometimes overlaying it with other symbols of ideologies and political systems. In this minimalist gesture, he represented the chaos of the 20th century and the endless struggle between power structures and individual freedom.

The question mark is not so remote from an exclamation point, and in Koller's presentation it works as a quiet eyebrow raise, but also as a straightforward outcry.

lab.SNG ● Text from the app for the exhibition Prečo (ume)nie?