Untitled (From the Series Botany)

Monika Pascoe Mikyšková

measurements: výška 150 cm, šírka 160 cm
work type: kresba
genre: vegetatívny motív
material: papier
technique: ceruza, grafitová
institution: Súkromný majetok
tags: les stromy rastlina
in collections:

“Wilderness is a place without human interventions, where nature is left on its own; a place where my head can rest while I am keeping my legs busy by walking. To me, it is an important source of inspiration, something like an inexhaustible reservoir of various shapes which I can use in my drawings. Nature is mainly about the mystery present in it – whether we like it or not. We cannot encompass it entirely only by our brain (even if we would perhaps like to), and therefore, at getting to know it, we must rely on our feelings, too. That is when a certain feeling of mystery occurs – which I am very interested in and which I try to capture in my drawings.

The primary inspiration of the series Botany was an incident related to the place where my parents live and where we grew up. In Vrátna dolina, which is listed in protected nature areas, they have quite recently started massive logging, at which occasion they also felled a forest where me and my brother spent a large part of our childhood. This moment was very emotive for me and was basically the starting point of this latest series.” M. P. M.

Alexandra Tamásová ● Do divočiny