Žena (Krajina)

Július Koller

measurements: výška 11.1 cm, šírka 15.6 cm
work type: iné médiátextová karta
iné médiákonceptuálna kresba
material: zažltnutý biely papier
technique: pencil
institution: Slovenská národná galéria, SNG
inventory number: IM 648
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Each letter is a bit of a drawing. When the letters join into a word, they can even weave a small pictorial composition. The "written" landscape is shaped by hills, slopes and valleys. It contains many nooks and crannies that invite closer examination.

In several works, Koller tried to connect the concept and the representation of what it expresses. He thus created a kind of conceptual calligram and evoked "tension between the work of art and reality".

lab.SNG ● Text from the atlas.sng.sk app for the exhibition Prečo (ume)nie?