Portrait of Saxon Prince-Elector

Nemecký maliar

measurements: výška 20.1 cm, šírka 15.9 cm
work type: maliarstvomaľba tabuľová
object type: easel painting
panel painting
genre: portrait
material: wood
technique: oil
institution: Slovenská národná galéria, SNG
curator: Zuzana Ludiková
inventory number: O 1016
tags: muž portrét šperk fúzy
licence: Creative Commons License public domain
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The serious expression on his face, the lavish clothes and the money on his desk suggest that he was an important and influential man - the Elector of Saxony was one of the four secular princes who had the right to elect the king of the Roman-German Empire. 

The origins of this office are not clear, but Electors were mentioned as early as the election of Alfonso X. Wise and Richard of Cornwall in the 13th century. The Duke of Saxony was deputy to the presiding Archbishop of Mohács, who had the right to crown the king.

lab.SNG ● Text from the atlas.sng.sk app for the exhibition Prologue: 12 Colours of Reality