Circe and Odysseus’s Retinue

Christoffel Pierson

measurements: výška 127.0 cm, šírka 176.6 cm
work type: maliarstvoobraz závesný
object type: easel painting
genre: figurative composition
material: canvas
technique: oil
institution: Slovenská národná galéria, SNG
curator: Zuzana Ludiková
inventory number: O 6065
tags: žena vojak pes lev
in collections:
licence: Creative Commons License public domain
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The theme from Homer's Odyssey shows the encounter of Odysseus' brethren with the witch Circe on her island Aiaia, guarded by lions and wolves. Circe used her magic to turn everyone who came to her abode into an animal. After the Renaissance, in painting there was an incipient movement away from gilded surfaces in pictures. Golden objects do appear in this scene, but (influenced by the diffusion of more realistic aesthetics) they are made by a mixture of classical colours such as brown, ochre and yellow, and no longer with gold plate.

Ivan Rusina ● RUSINA, Ivan. Majstrovské diela nizozemského umenia na Slovensku = Masterpieces of Netherlandish Art in Slovakia. Bratislava : Slovenská národná galéria, 2006.