measurements: výška 200 cm, šírka 160 cm
work type: maliarstvo
genre: horská krajina
material: plátno
technique: olej
institution: Súkromný majetok
tags: hory terén tatry
in collections:

“To me, wilderness is an area without intervention; for example, recently I have been to the windfall in Studená dolina in the High Tatras, where everything has been left in calamity state after a windstorm and the forest has been recovering by itself. At such places, I find a reverse of civilised environment and frequently a projection of motifs for painting, a window to the presence. In my work, the choice of the painting’s motif and dealing with its content is conditioned by a photographic basis – an obtained documentary or my own photo, which serves me as an open interpretation framework.

The presented painting Saw Dust (2018), which is one of several in this thematic cycle, focuses on reflecting a particular territory, with a special attention given to environmental, regional specifics. It is a picture presenting almost fairly the orthophotomap of a part of a Low Tatras ridge. The composition is based on a photo of a mountain territory degraded over a long time by logging, which fatally endangers the local ecosystems. Within the painting's image area, through mechanic, expressive language of colour application, I decompose the originally compact realistic theme resource into autonomy of fragments and fields covered by a diffusion structure reminiscent of the cycle of vanishing and re-appearing of motifs/ environments.“ R. P

Alexandra Tamásová ● Do divočiny